OAPT Event  


Roberta Tevlin
Roberta Tevlin
Date: Wednesday, February 5th, 2014
Time: 4:00 snacks, 4:30 – 6:00 physics, 6:00+ informal socializing at Sarah’s Bistro
Place: Toronto, Danforth CTI, 800 Greenwood Ave., Room A76
Topic: Roberta Tevlin presents Cosmology Sneak Peak - A New Perimeter Resource
Materials: Link to Download Materials

Almost 50 years ago, the cosmic microwave background was detected by Penzias and Wilson. This radiation is coming at us from all directions and corresponds to a uniform temperature of 3 K. It confirmed the Big Bang model and netted them a (dubious) Nobel Prize.
Description: http://sciencevspseudoscience.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/planck_cmb.png
Much has happened since then. The temperature is not completely smooth; there are hot and cold spots that vary by +/- 0.0002 K. Analysis of this variation tells astrophysicists that the universe is flat, that it is 13.81 billion years old and that it is made of 4.9% ordinary matter, 26.8% dark matter and 68.3% dark energy.
During this workshop you will get a sneak preview of PI`s newest resource and learn how to tease out all that information from a seemingly random bunch of dots. You will explore how you can make this understanding more tangible for your students with marshmallows, musical instruments, cell phones, remote control devices, televisions, balloons, stretchy fabric, simulations and real data.

If you are coming please email Chris Meyer so we have enough snacks at 4:00.

Afterwards: Please join us for informal socializing at Sarah's Bistro - two blocks away.